Chapter 44: Kevin the Bookseller on subtracting stuff and sorting Star Wars


Kevin at Indigo’s Mount Sinai hospital location!

Kevin at Indigo’s Mount Sinai hospital location!

I love Kevin Marusic. 

He’s a book nerd and bookseller and bookstore manager (and moustache aficionado) who runs the Indigo bookstore in the Mount Sinai hospital in downtown Toronto. 

Whenever I talk to Kevin our conversation rolls like a river so this time (this time!) I pulled out my cell phone after I walked in and recorded the very first guerrilla style chapter of 3 Books! 

And where’s Mount Sinai hospital? Downtown Toronto. Not in the middle of the ice floe pictured.

And where’s Mount Sinai hospital? Downtown Toronto. Not in the middle of the ice floe pictured.

No prep, no research, no notes, no books read in advance.

In Chapter 44 of 3 Books, join me inside the Indigo Books in Mount Sinai hospital as we discuss how to learn to look at worlds beyond our own, what order you should watch the Star Wars movies in and why, what the dangers are of the ‘pants computer’, why you should separate your phone into tool and toy, why books are magic (new 3 Books value!), and, of course, the incredible Kevin Marusic’s three most formative books. 

Kevin’s insanely epic facial hair. Listen for the story behind it …

Kevin’s insanely epic facial hair. Listen for the story behind it …

There are so many nerdy tic-tacs buried in this chat that I am not coming anywhere close to doing Kevin justice.

Trust me.

He is a gem! He is a lover. He has a wonderful heart.

And I am so delighted to share his incredible wisdom with all of you. The world will be a better place if we can all be a bit more like Kevin. 

Let’s go!

Listen to Chapter 44 of 3 Books:

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What You'll Learn:

  • What is the other definition of USSR?

  • Why is it important to lose yourself in art or in stories?

  • Why should a conversation flow like a river?

  • Who did JRR Tolkien go to school with to help inspire Lord of the Rings?

  • Why are booksellers and librarians ‘doctors of the mind’?

  • How can living with less give us more?

  • What are the dangers of the ‘pants computer’?

Notable quotes by kevin marusic:

“We spend a lot of time obsessing about things and stuff. But things and stuff aren’t always the answer.” Kevin Marusic #3bookspodcast

“Even though I try to read frequently, if I could read a different book with each eyeball, and a different book with each hand in Braille, and a different audio book in each ear, I still wouldn’t get caught up on my reading list.” Kevin Marusic #3bookspodcast

“As we move through the world we create our own realities.” Kevin Marusic #3bookspodcast

CONNECT With Kevin:

word of the chapter: 

wordcloud of the chapter: 

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